I searched the forums but could not find any info. I applied today for the rebate. I hand delivered the documents since it was just a few miles from my house. Does anyone have any experience how long it will take to get it? It seems up and running since May 31st. https://www.tceq.texas.gov/airquality/terp/ld.html
I sent in my application last week. Looks like we are going to be fine in regards to receiving the rebate. 1 by Young J Kwak posted Jul 26, 2018 at 7:37 PM
I sent an email asking about it, and to my surprise, got a response 13 minutes later! It says my application is about to be approved and I should get my "contract" shortly. I submitted about 40 days ago.
I sugmitted an application in early June. No word yet from TCEQ (now late July). I called last week to inquire about status, and was told my application should finish "processing" during August.
Thanks all for your replies. I received my "contract" in the mail last Friday. It said payment will be sent in 30 days, and maybe delayed up to 90 days due to high volume of submissions.
All I got was an email saying they needed a copy of my original registration, which I got and forwarded to them in early July...nothing else... UPDATE - just emailed the examining officer on mine (07/30/18) and he said it cleared review and said "I would expect to look for a check in the next few weeks ideally." So in government speak, maybe by the end of August. Good news indeed.
Received my contract today. No check yet. 48 days after submission. Matthew: How long did it take you to get the check after the contract?
@oko - Oddly enough, I got it a day before the contract. I mailed my application in the day after it opened for what it's worth.
I received my check, 5 days after the contract, 53 days after submission. I posted this info on some other forums also. The comments were like this: "Texas is paying for electric car? Is it for NOT buying an electric car?" .
That would be funny but for the fact that Texas produces the most wind power in the country...and NO it is not hot air from bragging rights....