The hydrogen fraud and the myth of surplus green energy

Discussion in 'General' started by 101101, Dec 2, 2019.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    We've heard of the duck curve. But the thing is there is no surplus green energy there is just dirty energy that is economically noncompetitive (not even remotely anymore) that hasn't been taken off line yet through necessarily having its contracts voided out. Its stupendously idiotic to say that CA for instance has any surplus green energy when there is any fossil fuel 'energy' that is being used. The contracts on those fossil fuels must be voided and the properly opened to lowest cost green providers or much better roof top battery backed solar that cuts out the unnecessary rent seekers. When fossil fuels which are always more expensive now are still being used there should be a tax penalty to make it prohibitive and an investigation. Natural gas investors must be made to eat the losses. It has to stay in the ground for political and economic reasons that are even more compelling than the ecological reasons. So far they are lucky they are not in prison for that investment in natural gas but we will surely cross a point where natural gas investment is considered a conspiracy or at least properly recognized as fraud and pursued. Parts of CA are paying 23 cents a kwh when even utility scale battery backed solar (a replacement for essentially all fossil fuels) is 1.1 cents a kwh. Its only criminality that allows any more NG. We're paying 20x what we should and getting stuck with Enron type fraud again. Also think of how stupid fracking is and the policy that has allowed for it.

    But the huge scam of hydrogen is this idea that there actually is surplus green- instead of a quick forced decrease in fossil fuels to zero and full replacement by green we are getting lies and propaganda insisting that the same fossil fuel scam artists are supposed to be able to recover their sunk cost in the liquid/gas fuels transport system. No, they have to absorb their just losses. They made incredibly stupid and essentially criminally reckless investments and they cannot be allowed to continue to socialized those losses by forcing other to pay for it. They can't be allowed to force us to buy their obsolete products and green wash to hide it.

    There isn't really even a long term storage argument for hydrogen as a power source. The conversion rates are bad and it would just be better to store the power in lithium batteries. Lets say it again, until there is 100% green utilization there is no green surplus there is only fraud. And its perpetuated by consumer facing firms like GM that claim there is no BEV demand or its insufficient when the Model 3 is outselling the Honda Accord in California and outselling the F150 in California and may soon outsell Camry. Model Y is likely to outsell Civic in CA to become the #1 vehicle. We need a way to put politicians in prison that take steps toward peddling the hydrogen fraud. If they come along and bind a municipality to hydrogen crap that is almost surely fraud just on a cost basis and we need a way to scrap that fraud, void those fraudulent contracts and jail the political con artists that try to stick us with it.

    Can't want for a certain vaporware Tesla wannabe firm (first letter N.) to go out of business, it should be looked at for false advertising. You can't knowingly lie to the public about the public interest for profit and not expect real consequences at some point. Same with the stupid shorts its really false advertising. Not investment advice but if shorting made sense it would be time to short fossil fuels massively- they sure as hell aren't too big to fail they must be allowed to fail without another bailout. There is no way in hell fossil fuels are going to be allowed to continue, humanity will come to an end before that happens. As we permanently defund fossil fuels we're going to have to look at 911 and the genocidal wars. We have to try those war criminals while they are still alive. The UK had a trial run with Tony Blair but that's still not over.
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