Judge thinks Tesla violated Employee rights?

Discussion in 'Tesla' started by David Green, Sep 28, 2019.

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  1. David Green

    David Green Well-Known Member

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  3. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    That whole thing is just about trying to bring in the UAW which is an organization surely captured by the same useless fossil fuel rent seekers that contribute less than nothing, destroy competitiveness and use workers and their pensions as hostages and human shields. See the post "what GM workers should do," for how Unions in the post economic problem era can't bring dignity and security to jobs that lack necessity due to automation and how instead of trying to pander and sell out workers back into phony jobs in a drama soap opera to a class of rent seekers that were paid off countless times over in the period from 1928 to 1970, they should instead be seeking the collective inheritance of their workers based on their own and their families history of real contribution to be compensated in the form of high indexed guaranteed full replacement incomes from cradle to grave for all citizens. Instead these unions want top down tyrannical management to remain in place that they can complain about (instead of truly flat, management free organizations based on membership vice ownership even in manufacturing) because unions especially in the post economic problem period need the unnecessary conflict to justify their existence. 97% of workers are permanently displaced and have been for about 5 decades but all of society belongs to them (because they built is all and made the sacrifices that brought it about) what is coming is both a redistribution of historical distributions but also a permanent correction of future distributions based on a rejection of a rent seeking world where human powered rickshaws compete against self driving taxis.

    All the Tesla people people have to do is look at the UAWs relationship to fossil fuel rent seekers.

    Seems pretty certain the mission of a sold out give back UAW union in this case is to sabotage Tesla's mission for the benefit of fossil fuel renting and its oligarchs. And if you look at Musk he's a self-described socialist (in the good sense not the corporate welfare sense) who believes in replacement incomes as unavoidable, you never hear him get caught up in the idiot rent seeker drivel about worshipping 'job creators' in a fake economy with fake babysitting jobs or the" dignity of work" nonsense coming from sit on their arses leisure class rent seekers who've never done a day of work in their lives but expect the majority of other people to forfeit all the time and energy in their lives to support their own gluttony. Musk actually works and works hard and uses money for the purpose of risk taking that advances humanity not for stupid greed and control.

    The kicker is Tesla pays more than the UAW sweatshops. And is a better place to work than any of them because its mission driven and invented here driven and not driven by selling out to a bunch of useless absentee fossil fuel rent seekers that are only driven by ill-gotten control and keeping people down so they can continue to steal their time and money
  4. David Green

    David Green Well-Known Member

    Do you ever read the title, and article and just reply with a bit of thought, and not just an all out rant on topics completely unrelated to the title?
    R P and DaleL like this.
  5. DaleL

    DaleL Active Member

    The median pay for Tesla workers is less than that at GM and Ford which have UAW contracts. It is Tesla which has been accused of operating "sweatshops". This is from an American Prospect story, 4/10/2017: "Most workers get by with overtime that they have no choice of turning down. Sixty-hour weeks are mandatory on the Model S line (known colloquially as the "**** line"), which is entirely manual labor. Model X workers often don't know how long they'll be staying when they come into work. The schedule depends on a daily target number of cars to build."

    There is the 7/19/2019 CNBC story titled: "Tesla employees say they took shortcuts, worked through harsh conditions to meet Model 3 production goals".

    The real kicker is that Tesla pays less, has worse working conditions, and cannot make money. The UAW strike against GM is because GM posted a 2018 pretax profit of 10.8 billion dollars. In contrast, Tesla lost 976 million dollars in 2018.
  6. David Green

    David Green Well-Known Member

    Tesla fans are completely blind to the negatives of Tesla, they try to blow off, and justify all the shortcomings as "growing pains" but as we will soon see when Q3 results are reported, revenue growth has died. I think Tesla has fundamental management problems, and as long as Elon is there Tesla's day of Reckoning is one day closer than it was yesterday. As for GM, there is no comparison, GM employees are well compensated, and GM does not try to mess with their health claims the way Tesla does. I get it, Tesla is fighting for survival, but maybe would not have to fight so much if they would just take the time to do things the right way?
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  8. marshall

    marshall Well-Known Member

    Well Ford bonds are now rated junk by Moodys. So it's not all peaches and cream at Ford.
  9. Pushmi-Pullyu

    Pushmi-Pullyu Well-Known Member

    Tesla has been the target of heavy-handed, dishonest union activism by the UAW, which has and still is using every underhanded tactic in the book to "organize" the Fremont assembly plant. UAW's dishonest tactics include using manipulated "interviews" with former employees, coached by UAW union activists, to paint a false picture of working conditions at Tesla factories, and getting propaganda "articles" published in newspapers with heavy-handed radical activist agendas.

    Also, CNBC is one of the primary sources of anti-Tesla propaganda, and at times outright FUD.

    That's not to say that there's never any credibility on the worker's side in a labor dispute with Tesla, but the judge ruled against Tesla here in the case of just one worker.

    Why is this even news? If this was about a GM employee, or an assembly line worker at Toyota or Volkswagen or Ford, would it even be reported as news? Would it be worthy of discussion on an EV forum? Of course not.

    Once again we see Tesla singled out as being "bad" or "different" for situations which are normal and even expected in the automobile industry. Labor disputes are inevitable, and occasionally judges are going to side with workers. That's normal. What is not normal is for anti-Tesla FUDsters to seize on such rare examples and cite them over and over and over in their ceaseless attacks on Tesla, trying to tear down the good name of a company which is genuinely trying to make the world a better place.

    I'm all in favor of small unions and collective bargaining for workers, but the dishonest, unethical, and immoral tactics of the UAW disgust me. The UAW is a parasite and a dead weight on the workers it's supposedly representing.

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