Help! Charging cable in stuck!

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by Teddydogno1, Nov 7, 2021.

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  1. Teddydogno1

    Teddydogno1 Active Member

    I brought home my new Mini yesterday and plugged in my Grizzl-e charger. It fully charged in a few hours and I tried to unplug it. Nope. Tried again this morning with no luck.

    I have locked and unlocked the car. Got in and turned on the ignition. Charge is at 100%. Cannot get the connector out of the car.

    When I lock the car, I can hear a little "clunk" at the charger and again when I unlock the car. I push down the button on the handle, but it will NOT come out. I've tried pushing the button harder (it doesn't go down any further), wiggling it, pushing in and then pulling. Everything I can think of. Only thing I have not yet tried in unplugging the EVSE from the wall.

    HELP! Want to drive my car but can't!!!!!

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  3. ColdCase

    ColdCase Active Member

    There is a long thread on this topic. I used to have to pull up and down until I filled the hook, or contact Grizzl-e, they usually send a replacement. If no one jumps in by the time I get back I'll see if I can find the thread
  4. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Here's the thread.
  5. Whosehouse

    Whosehouse New Member

    My time to shine!
    A) use a long, thin screwdriver type thing to pull the charging cable’s pin up. It’s too long.
    B) file down the plastic hook/lock pin on the charging cable until it’s about the size of the mini’s one.
    C) email Grizzl-e and tell them they did it again
  6. Teddydogno1

    Teddydogno1 Active Member

    Thanks everyone. Had to leave on an errand and wasn't able to take the Mini, but looked at it again when we got back.

    You were all right. Before I got back here, a friend and I came across this info on a different forum. Was able to lever-up the hook with a small screwdriver and pop it out. Compared to the Mini cable, the hook on the Grizz doesn't lift up enough when the button is pressed. Or it is bent, or out of spec as suggested. Based on the other thread, I bent the hook slightly with a pair of pliers and it now goes in and out without issue! Was able to give my friend a test ride and drive. Whew!

    Thanks everyone!

    Puppethead and insightman like this.
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