Free charging at Electrify first DC fast charge

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by Teddydogno1, Jan 1, 2022.

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  1. Teddydogno1

    Teddydogno1 Active Member

    This morning I saw a new video posted by Out of Spec Reviews a couple days ago that mentioned free charging at Electrify America for the holidays. It was posted on 12/29 (but I thought it was newer). I went out today to test the Mini and its new tires in the remains of our snow. After my drive around and errands, I was under 50% and decided to give EA a try. If it was going to be free, even better!

    Over lunch I set up an EA account with payment info and saw that stations 1 and 6 (out of 6) were available at my local Wal-Mart. Station 1 had 2 50 kW CCS chargers and Station 6 had 1 150 kW CCS and a 50 kW CHAdeMO.

    When I arrived, there were 2 KIA Niros charging, 2 "unavailable" stations and the 2 available ones. I pulled into what I THOUGHT was Station 1 to use a 50 kW port, but I'm a dummy and it was actually Station 6. I went for it anyway since I didn't plan to stay long anyway. If a car that could use the 150 kW showed up, I would move. Due to piled snow, I couldn't get too close to the pole, but it was close enough.

    Sure enough, the screen showed "complimentary charging" (or something like that) and I plugged in for my first ever DC fast charging session. It was only the car's second public charging as my wife had used a free Level 2 charger at the Mall a couple weeks back.

    Temp was 34 degrees. 45% SOC on arrival at 1:30 PM.
    1:30 PM: 46% SOC, 16 kW delivery, est. 2:58 PM for full charge
    1:40 PM: 56% SOC, 30 kW delivery, est. 2:43 PM for full charge
    1:45 PM: 64% SOC, 41 kW delivery, est. 2:40 PM for full charge
    1:50 PM: 75% SOC, 47 kW delivery, est. 2:40 PM for full charge
    1:55 PM: 84% SOC, 29 kW delivery, est. 2:43 PM for full charge
    2:00 PM: 90% SOC, 21 kW delivery, est. 2:45 PM for full charge

    So I gave the car 30 minutes and gained 44% SOC. I had been driving for a bit and the car was warmed up (I thought), so I was surprised that the charge rate took 20 minutes to ramp up to near full power. But was only about 35 degrees!

    Charge Stats:
    15.9145 kWH delivered
    90% end SOC
    31 minutes charging
    $0.43/kWH + $0 session fee
    $6.45 total cost (but complimentary)

    In an emergency or on a trip, I would be OK with that cost, but not as a regular thing. Happily I'm able to charge at home for the vast majority of my needs!

    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
    wessy, Urbanengineer, jimmm18 and 6 others like this.
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  3. Urbanengineer

    Urbanengineer Active Member

    What is a real bugger is when we have to pay per minute in some states. The 50kW limit is really damning from those 0-90% charges.

    Because the mini doesn’t have battery preconditioning it only warms up from driving and charging. It’s an unfortunate side effect of the design. It will shoot up to 49 kW after 30 seconds at these stations mid spring weather.

    FYI, about 15% of the time we used a Public DC station and there were internet connectivity issues, we got the complimentary charging screen. Can’t complain about free public charging !

    last bit, the EVSE delivers 47 kW peak, but understand due to losses the car is only really receiving approx 43 kW. Electricity losses really hurt that 50kW capacity a bunch.

    happy New Years!
    MichaelC likes this.

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