Cats and EVs

Discussion in 'General' started by Qisl, Apr 11, 2024.

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  1. Qisl

    Qisl Active Member

    I've noticed a strange thing with my cats. When I drive with them in my ICE, they are constantly yowling. But when I carry them in my EV, there's not a peep.

    Has anyone else experienced this?
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  3. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    I suspect there are ranges of sounds coming from ICE vehicles humans can't hear that cats (and dogs) can hear, so it would not surprise me.

    My dogs are a lot more relaxed in my EV – no noises, vibrations, or odors like in an ICE car.
  4. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Engines have a sound not far off from a low growl that an aggressive critter emits before a fight. EVs sound much friendlier.

    Bob Wilson

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