Vanity License Plates for Electric MINI Coopers

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by insightman, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    The Tesla and Volt owners had a big head-start on grabbing up all the obvious custom license plates for electric cars. I know some people are reticent to have their license plates on the 'net for all to see, but it would seem that vanity plate owners would be happy to show them off.

    Here's a Secretary of State image of the vanity plate I ordered along with the custom license plate frame that is now at the mercy of the reduced-service USPS. I saw "Elektro" in the description of the MINI Cooper SE on a German website. Before that, I was thinking of ECOMINI as a slight double-entendré. For 20 years my gen-1 Insight hybrids wore IGO ECO plates, which would also work for a pure electric car.

    Last edited: Sep 14, 2020
    Pennyworth, Martha, GvilleGuy and 3 others like this.
  2. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    I'm planning on my first-ever vanity plate, but I can't order it until I get my regular plates (still waiting for them after 30 days!). I tried real hard to get the dealer to file vanity plate paperwork for me at time of purchase, but they refused. Our DMV systems are a mess due to "upgrades" a few years ago, so I don't fault the dealer.

    I have to keep my ideas to myself until I get an approved plate, though.
    SameGuy likes this.
  3. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    A very good plan, IMHO. Make a list of all your candidates so you can reveal them after your application is approved. Are you able to check online to see what plates are not already taken (or forbidden)?

    Being a vain person, I've spent a lot of time on Michigan's Secretary of State web page, checking on available vanity plates. Years ago I acquired a large PDF file of license plates Michigan has deemed unacceptable (many are unacceptable because they might be the number/letter combos used for regular license plates). It's amusing to peruse.
  4. Toi

    Toi Well-Known Member

    I drive just asshole-ish enough that I think having a 'memorable' plate would be a detriment to my normal antics. :D
  5. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    One of my most useful personalized plates was the TOYATO plate on my old Toyota. It was a great joy to throw away parking tickets written for a Toyota plated TOYOTA. A rare instance when dyslexia can be helpful.
  6. Toi

    Toi Well-Known Member

    nice... a guy around here had a 0O0O0O plate for a while before they took it away because the toll readers couldn't successfully determine his plate.
    BayFront, Domenick and GDOG like this.
  7. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    No way in my state to see what plates are taken, I've relied on Find By Plate, it's how I discovered my original choice of "NOICE" was already taken. I'm actually glad since I feel my new choice is better.
  8. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    Reminds me of this XKCD comic (great science-y comic):

    pictsidhe, MichaelC and Toi like this.
  9. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Michigan plates don't allow the letter oh. You can't tell the zero from an oh on the plate, but it's obvious it's a zero on the registration slip. Vanity plates cannot be all-numeric, so the 0000000 plate would not be available.
  10. Matt Shumaker

    Matt Shumaker Active Member

    Our plate is "MINI EL"

    In Illinois, EL plates are for electric cars. However, vanity plates can eliminate the EL if you would like. However, no one thought to ask for MINI EL. So, we got it.

    Oh, my Model 3 plate is "TESLA EL".
  11. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    Finally got my vanity plate! It was crazy, my state's DMV is a mess due to pandemic and major software replacement.

    I submitted the request form at the end of September and heard nothing until I called the DMV early November. All I could be told was it was issued mid-October but would take 6-8 weeks to be sent. It took until December 26th to show up – I had almost given up hope of seeing it. Mounting the plates, front and back, tomorrow. I think the name "MÉTÉORE" (French for "meteor") is fitting for my red SE with yellow accents, plus the way the car performs.

    Here's what the plate looks like (sadly no diacritical marks).

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2020
    NewGreen, GvilleGuy, Lainey and 3 others like this.
  12. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Blue Sharpie
    Sgt Glock and MichaelC like this.
  13. NewGreen

    NewGreen Member

    Insightman's idea for a plate holder gave me an idea...I don't need a custom plate, just the plate holder! I just ordered one on Amazon! (My car should arrive in a few weeks.) My license plate holder will say: No Gas Needed--I'm very green! (and the car is British Racing GREEN!!)
    insightman likes this.
  14. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Your @NewGreen forum name makes double-sense now that we know the color of your SE. I've been calling myself Insightman since ordering my first (of 3) Honda Insight in 1999. I use the eMINIman moniker on other forums, but even though the last Insight was replaced with a MINI Cooper SE I am sticking with @insightman on InsideEVs (my favorite forums) for historical continuity.
  15. fasttr

    fasttr Member

    I’m keeping my current vanity plate since it has worked with my previous cars and will work with my SE… XCLR8S. In Texas you can search for available plates. I got mine in 2014.
    insightman likes this.
  16. polyphonic

    polyphonic Well-Known Member

    Truly genius. I love it!
    F14Scott likes this.
  17. vader

    vader Well-Known Member

    I managed to get a pretty good plate - "MINI SE". I had the first one, so got it before anyone else tried :)
    Novadar and insightman like this.
  18. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Photo, please. I've never seen an Australian vanity plate.
    Novadar likes this.
  19. NRG

    NRG New Member

    Hi All,
    I got lucky with my DMV issued plates... the last three letters are NRG. I figured that's not bad for a car powered by electric energy.
    MichaelC and Godfrey like this.

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