Touchscreen with Google Maps (Android Auto) unresponsive

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by alex A, Dec 17, 2018.

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  1. alex A

    alex A New Member

    When I use Google Maps through Android Auto, certain parts of the touchscreen are unresponsive. For example, I search for a destination, and when prompted to start navigation, that area of the touchscreen does not respond.

    I don't think it's a touchscreen issue, as the same areas work fine other android auto apps, with the stock dash, and with apple carplay.

    Anyone notice the same thing?
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  3. Linkmodo

    Linkmodo Member

    It's actually a very weird issue with Android Auto. When your phone is running at full resolution the Clarity's touch screen is actually running at a reduced resolution causing all the touch button to miss align to the top of where the button is actually is. I had the same problem, but figured out the work-around below:

    Try to go to settings-display and check your resolution of your cell phone, I had Galaxy Note 9 (and my wife's S9+) which supports different screen resolutions, make sure the resolution is set at less than WQHD+(which messes up the resolution of Android Auto in Clarity), FHD+ works best, and HD+ will work fine also but your phone is not going to look too good running at half the native resolution.

    If you can't stand lower resolution on your phone, change it back everytime you finished using android auto.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
    alex A and Viking79 like this.
  4. alex A

    alex A New Member

    That makes sense, I'll experiment with my phone's resolutions. I have a Note9 on the highest setting, and I wouldn't want to lower it. Maybe an automation application like Tasker can switch the resolution when I'm connected to the car's bluetooth... You'd think that Android Auto would be smart enough to switch resolutions when plugged in.
  5. petteyg359

    petteyg359 Well-Known Member

    I'd prefer to think that car makers wouldn't put cheap-*** Android 4.0 tablets in their cars...
    insightman likes this.
  6. alex A

    alex A New Member

    Just found developer settings in Android Auto with these options. I'll try to see if this makes a difference when I can... though I'm guessing this won't do much as the touchscreen resolution is 800x480

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  8. alex A

    alex A New Member

    Not only that, but under-powered too... How much did Honda save by putting a slow cpu in there... pennies.
  9. Viking79

    Viking79 Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I have noticed this same thing, in fact I put it in my 1 year update for the Clarity. I have Note 9 with all sorts of issues and my Wife's S9 works fine. This sounds like a bug that needs to be resolved, change the resolution automatically? As you say, it felt like the touch was misaligned, randomly press around on the screen and stuff would work.
  10. Linkmodo

    Linkmodo Member

    interesting, either way, manually switch seems to be the only way I found that works for now. Also had an iPhone with CarPlay, doesn't work as good as Android Auto in my opinion.
  11. Margo

    Margo New Member

    I recently started having a similar issue with the Apple version. I assumed that an iOS update had screwed things up. Now on google maps when I put in a location the "GO" is non-responsive. I have to tap "other" just above "go" to get it to work. This started about 3 weeks ago.
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  13. ab13

    ab13 Active Member

    It's unlikely to be pennies, but likely 15-30% over the existing chip price for the next level part. Automotive parts have to operate at higher temperature ranges like 140-150 degrees F, consumer devices only need to go to 100 degrees F. If you leave a generic tablet on the dashboard in the desert summer everyday it probably won't last long. Also, automotive parts have a 10+ year lifecycle, so the costs incorporate those things.
  14. petteyg359

    petteyg359 Well-Known Member

    All the more important to not sell a 2018 vehicle with hardware and software that was released in 2011. Computers get obsolete quickly, but that's no excuse to start out with something that's already nearly a decade out of date.

    With drive-by-wire being a thing, outdated and vulnerable software is just not cool.

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