speeding tickets?

Discussion in 'i3' started by Qisl, May 4, 2024.

  1. Qisl

    Qisl Active Member Subscriber

  2. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    To identify the car brands with the most speed-prone drivers, the data scientists at Insurify turned to their database of more than 4.6 million car insurance applications. When applying for car insurance, drivers disclose their vehicle make and model, as well as any citations, such as speeding tickets, they have on their driving record within the past seven years. For each vehicle brand, Insurify data scientists compared the number of drivers reporting a speeding ticket against the total number of drivers in the database to determine the share of drivers with a speeding ticket.

    Look no further than the Honda result. The highest percentage for Honda was 10.8% for the S2000 (MY1999 to MY2009)...at a whooping 66,544 in USA. The BMW i3 had 2021 cumulative new sales of 45,098.

    Insurify is an e-broker for auto insurance that only provided relative percentages for insurance applications. They do not state whether they double count applications or not (same person, different date, or moved to a new state).
  3. Desiato

    Desiato New Member

    This is just an opinion: There are fewer queues about speed for the driver in an i3 than in an ICE car (especially one with a manual transmission). I find I need to continually monitor the speedo in order to comply with the limits. In my other car, there is a rhythm of noises and shifting gears that gets me to about the right speed and various changes of pitch (etc.) that make it relatively easy to maintain a constant speed. The i3 is such a competent car that it gives the driver a comforting sense of being in control and this can easily lead them to driving faster.
  4. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    I have a different take. My MINI Cooper SE uses the same motor as the i3s. The temptation to use brief spurts of acceleration around town is increased by the silence of the drivetrain. Without the sound of an engine in heat, I assume I'm less likely to attact the attention of those authorized to write speeding tickets. I hope I don't get too complacent with this assumption, but I know it would be easy.

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