Premium Interior vs Standard Interior?

Discussion in 'Model 3' started by Cypress, Oct 14, 2018.

  1. Cypress

    Cypress Active Member

    As we start to approach the phaseout for the US rebate, and the SR and base versions will be likely seen next year, I started wondering more about what the difference will be between the standard interior and premium interior? Is it worth the $5k price tag?

    I found some old screenshots I took of the Tesla Model 3 faqs, and the current specs page. And tried to put together a features list:

  2. Cypress

    Cypress Active Member

    Tesla M3 Premium Interior Options.png Model 3 Premium Upgrades.png Model 3 Standard Features.png Tesla M3 Premium Interior Options.png Model 3 Premium Upgrades.png Model 3 Standard Features.png TM3-specs.png
  3. Good questions, a lot we don't know yet.

    No phone docking. The underside of the phone dock actually has the word "premium" on it.

    The center console will be open without covers. I'm not sure how that will look.

    The roof over the front seats will be metal.

    To me the premium package is worth it. The glass roof, upgraded stereo, vegan leather, driver profiles, heated and powered seats, etc, make it a premium car.
  4. Jimmy Truong

    Jimmy Truong Member

    Premium package worth every pennyy. If I get the $35k version, I would have to go with Premium package too.

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
  5. Cypress

    Cypress Active Member

    How can you say it is worth it, if you don’t know yet what the car is like without it?

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