EAF75D12-6833-4ADA-A4D2-D7CEEE61C1CD by WadeTyhon posted Dec 4, 2017 at 8:28 AM While on my way to work in my Bolt this morning, I saw a shape driving past me at an intersection that looked familiar... but that I hadn’t ever seen on the road before. From a distance I thought it was a Model S. Those are a dime a dozen around the Far North Dallas area where I live. But as it got closer I could tell it was too small to be an S. Then the door handles and rear slope of the car gave it away as... the Model 3! My first time seeing it on the road. Naturally, I got out of the left hand turn lane and into the tight hand turn lane and drove ten minutes out of my way in order to stalk the model 3 for a few miles. The same thing any normal, fully functional, EV obsesessed member of society would have done. 7ED63466-873A-45FC-BDA5-CCFB7332CE36 by WadeTyhon posted Dec 4, 2017 at 8:28 AM Overall the car looked great! It looks much better from the front in real life than in pictures. The overall lines of the car are beautiful. 15F4F03D-3C04-4F1E-A8EC-9E9F1EC9B3FD by WadeTyhon posted Dec 4, 2017 at 8:28 AM My only issue was the aero wheel covers. Not pretty. They’re fine in motion I guess but just look cheap to me. Those will be coming off our model 3. Otherwise... loved the car and hope to see a lot more very soon!
Awesome. Thanks for sharing. I still haven’t seen one down here in Houston. I am starting to stalk TMC to see if one gets delivered. Would really love to see it in person before configuring. I will be doing the grey with 18” non-aero wheels. Still hoping white interior will pop up right before I configure. I am guessing Marchish for me.
Lucky you! I need to get out more; I have yet to see (or rather, notice) even a single Tesla Model S "in the wild". I couple of weeks ago there was a black car that whizzed by us on the freeway; I saw only the rear end as it accelerated away from us, and realized it was a Model X! But the only Model S's I've seen were when I visited our local (Kansas City) Tesla showroom. IMHO that doesn't count as "in the wild", since I specifically went there to see, and ride in, a Model S.
Now everyone in DFW can see the Model 3! Inside and out! From the email: Starting January 26, Model 3 will be on display at Tesla Southlake. Be among the first to sit inside Model 3 and experience the expansive glass roof, premium interior and 15‑inch touchscreen display. As we continue to enhance our vehicle line‑up, you’ll also have the opportunity to learn more about our Dual Motor All‑Wheel Drive system standard in Model S and Model X.
Awesome! Thanks for the update. If you are there, ask which Houston store is planning to have a Model 3 on display.
Yep, but that is Dallas. I am guessing Houston should get one soon also, but there are 3 “Galleries” in Houston. Two are close to me, one is far.
Yeah, my wife and I are gonna go check it out this week. I'm shocked that it isn't at the Northpark gallery in Dallas! But still, Southlake is close enough where I don't mind the drive. I'll try and ask about Houston while I'm there!
Nah already had plans over the weekend and we couldn't squeeze it in. We are going on Thursday since they are open till 9. Will be taking pics for sure. I would upload videos too but I have tried before on here and it never works for some reason.
Regarding video, I believe we can only embed them from other sites like YouTube. I just tried with an .mov file and it said it was too big. (I think it was 160 mb.) I can ask if it could be possible, though.
Yeah, please do! I made a video previously and it said it was too big. Then I trimmed it down and tried to post it and it said it didn't accept the file format! So I was like meh oh well.
First the good news: you can now upload some movie files. The bad news is, the file size limit is only 5.12 MB.
Can't they just upload it to YouTube and then link here? I've never uploaded anything to YouTube, but my impression is that's not difficult.
What Domenick said. Just like you, I've never uploaded any videos to youtube or any other social or video platform. I've checked out of most of those sites. So unless I really wanted to post a video, I wouldn't bother going through the extra steps of doing it for the first time.
I will post more pictures later, and perhaps video. But for now Ill say... the car was awesome! We had a few minor quibbles but nothing major. They weren’t sure exactly when Houston would get a Model 3 for viewing but they expect it to be soon. I asked about the base Model 3 and when they expected it to be for sale. They hesitated to give me an exact time frame. But ‘off the record’ so take it with a grain of salt. One of the employees I spoke to said he personally expects it in Q4 this year or Q1 next year. That is perfectly good timing for us, but may not be for others. Hopefully they can roll them out even more quickly than that!
Wow, that's awesome. Thanks for all the photos. In the first one, I assume the frunk is open. I mean, I know people have complained about panel gaps, but... And yeah, Q4 2018 or Q1 2019 feels forever away, but with the ramp up problems, I guess that's just the way things are.