Merry Christmas to Every Clarity and Their Proud Owners!

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by David Towle, Dec 25, 2018.

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  1. David Towle

    David Towle Well-Known Member

    Merry Christmas All!
    TomL, ddddcsd, coutinpe and 2 others like this.
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  3. Dan McInerney

    Dan McInerney Member

    . . . and thanks so much for all the helpful information about the Clarity over the past year!
    TomL, MPower, Thomas Mitchell and 2 others like this.
  4. Robert_Alabama

    Robert_Alabama Well-Known Member

    Thought it fitting to bring this one back to the top again. Merry Christmas All! I enjoy this forum almost as much as the Clarity itself!
    Pegsie, Technobody, TomL and 2 others like this.
  5. coutinpe

    coutinpe Active Member

    Thank you. Merry Christmas to you and all the fellow Claritiers!
  6. NU2EV

    NU2EV New Member

    Thank you! Hope everyone had a nice day yesterday. Christmas is always great! I'd like to echo a previous post and thank everyone for their help and support thus far
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