Looks like Saudis passed on Tesla and are going to invest upto $1B in Lucid. From Saudi perpective, this is a much better deal as they get a majority stake for just a billion dollars. That's great news for the EV world. A new luxury car could come to market in the near future. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-saudi-pif-talks-invest-aspiring-tesla-rival-194810177--finance.html It seems the experts were right about this. "Less than zero' chance Tesla goes private: Expert" https://finance.yahoo.com/video/less-zero-chance-tesla-goes-162900125.html
I didn't vote in the poll, since I don't have an informed opinion. I certainly hope Tesla is "taken private", and for a very selfish reason: For those who currently troll EV forums with anti-Tesla FUD in the hope that it will damage Tesla's reputation and benefit their short TSLA investment, ending the shorting of TSLA will deprive them of any motive to continue that disruptive and very anti-social practice. That's a selfish reason because it has a lot more to do with my wanting to have meaningful and interesting discussions about Tesla and other EV-related subjects... not because it either would or would not be of financial benefit to Tesla. Of course, ending TSLA shorting would not stop those whose motive is shilling for Big Oil, but it certainly would reduce the volume of FUD significantly. Go, Tesla -- Go private!
1. Don't you think it's better to wait for the game to finish before announcing the winner? 2. Somehow I doubt that an "expert" posting to Yahoo Finance is a neutral or unbiased observer. He's just saying what a TSLA shorter like you, "TeslaInvestors", wants to hear.
I will stick to EV's and related issues and be narrowly foccused. I looked at the Lucid website and did some web research. I do not see anything there beyond some snazzy graphics. There are no specifications, no date for release, no description of plans etc. on their website. However there is a reservation button asking for $2500 with no details on when it will be available. I read somewhere that they want to set up a factory in Casa Grande, AZ. From what I understand, nothing has been done about that factory and setting up a factory will take months, if not years. Under those circumstances, I fail to see how Lucid could enter the market in the near future with any noticeable volumes, unless they have manufacturing tie ups, evidence of which is not available. There are already have competitors in the high end range, Audi, Jaguar etc. who have products available in some markets and stated goal to frow. So being realistic, by the time Lucid comes out, the market may be over saturated. Possibly Saudi's see something in it and they are willing to invest and take the risks. May be they see a market outside the US. Or maybe Lucid has something up their sleeve that I am not aware off or could find in my research. But at this time, pardon me for being skeptical.
Good news for Lucid! Not sure why people seem to think that a small deal with Lucid precludes a bigger deal with Tesla, though. This is a relatively small investment with much higher risk than the potential Tesla deal. If anything, it confirms the fund is hot to invest in electric vehicles.
My information is essentially zero if that is any consolation. I could have tossed a coin or rolled a dice to come up with my opinion but decided that it was not worth it
The video is from CNBC, and the "expert" is a 35 year veteran of M&A. That's "mergers and acquisitions" for the uninitiated. That's why I posted the video, to form an informed opinion
Exactly what I was thinking, thanks! The idea that the Saudis funding Lucid would be done "instead of" funding taking Tesla private appears to be just wishful thinking on the part of TSLA short-sellers.
I've been shocked at the bias, sometimes extreme bias, shown against Tesla in some recent CNBC articles and videos. Makes me wonder just what kind of editorial influence is being exercised, and who that benefits. As far as someone being a "35 year old veteran of M&A", that doesn't address the question of who he's working for and whether or not that firm is trying to manipulate Tesla's stock price by promoting either the stock "pumper" or stock "shorter" position in their public statements. Surely if you're a stock investor, TeslaInvestors, you've noticed that is all too common among self-proclaimed financial "experts". In fact, why would any "financial expert" be making public statements about a specific stock unless it was to promote his company's current position? Financial advisors charge for financial advice; that's how they earn a living. If they're giving away "advice" for free on TV or the internet or other public media, then that's not really advice. That's just promoting their company's current position. I don't know that much about financial matters, but that has become quite clear to even me.
Sometimes a banana is just a banana. There are plenty of people out there with opinions similar to this guys. No need for an agenda. CNBC also has bullish commentator who will basically say the opposite. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I had quickly looked him up, and he certainly has the background to comment. The doesn't mean, of course, we have to accept his opinion. Doesn't hurt to know that people out there have these thoughts on the matter. And in this case, he doesn't have a company's position to promote. "William David Cohan is an American business writer. He was an investigative reporter for the Raleigh Times. He then worked on Wall Street for seventeen years as a mergers and acquisitions banker." On the bull side, Ross Gerber -- a bull amongst bulls -- does have a company to promote and also gets a good amount of air time. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2018-08-20/tim-cook-would-be-ideal-no-2-for-tesla-ross-gerber-says-video All this to say, there are lots of opinions out there and it doesn't hurt to listen to them all.
Not to suggest you shouldn't use this emoticon, since I've seen others use it, but please be aware that on my screen, the character "ツ" shows as a box with some tiny alphanumeric characters in it. I have no idea what it's supposed to look like, altho I'm guessing the emoticon as a whole is supposed to suggest "shrugging shoulders", meaning "I don't know". Yes? No?
Just because he's not currently the employee of any particular financial firm doesn't mean he is being altruistic in giving his honest opinion to the public for free. He could be promoting his own financial investment, or -- more likely -- he could have been contracted to promote some financial firm's current stock position. Again, why would a financial advisor give financial advice for free when they make a living by charging for that? Even those who supposedly get paid by news infotainment shows for supposedly providing real financial advice on TV -- people like Jim Cramer -- have been exposed as promoting their own stock positions. Have you seen the interview that Jon Stewart did on "The Daily Show" with Jim Cramer? "The Daily Show" is nominally a comedy show, but this interview was anything but! In just a few minutes, Jon reduced Jim to a quivering apologetic mess, when Jon showed Jim actually admitting on the air that -- among other ethical and possibly criminal violations -- he was manipulating stock prices to benefit his own stock fund. The multi-part video of that astonishing interview can be seen here. (Not safe for work language warning!) Of course, one can choose to believe that the cases cited by Jon Stewart are outliers, and that most stock "advice" given to the public for free is an altruistic, unselfish attempt to help people out. I choose to believe otherwise, and I'm far from the only person with that opinion! True, but when someone is offering free financial "advice" in a public setting, I think the wise person will always, always ask why the person is saying that, and who it benefits.
Yes, it's the famous shrug emoticon: Displays as raised shoulders, sometimes in conjunction with raised arms and flat hands. The shrug gesture in text (emoticon) form is known as the shruggie and typed as: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And... Staying public! Pushy, the expert was right. MS and GS likely gave the boot. https://www.tesla.com/blog/staying-public