Has anyone else noticed their personal info from InsideEVsForum has been breached? I use disposable email addresses for each of my website logins as well as a unique password for every site. This morning I noticed that my email address that has only ever been used on InsideEVsForum has started receiving Russian crypto coin scam.
Lucky me. In 5 years and nearly 8,500 posts on these forums, I've never received a Russian crypto coin scam email. However, I wouldn't be surprised if what you say is true--even internet-security companies get hacked.
I'm definitely convinced it was the forum itself that had the breach. I probably haven't even logged in here in a year! Here's some evidence, I've blanked out part of my email address, but as you can see, I use a unique email address for this site, so it's not any sort of cross-contamination of another site being hacked.