Fisker Ocean in the Wild

Discussion in 'Fisker' started by OneEV, May 31, 2024.

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  1. OneEV

    OneEV Active Member Subscriber

    Just seen a Fisker Ocean in St Cloud MN , such a good looking vehicle, I certainly hope someone comes ot the rescue. Personally I'd like to see MAGA buy out Fisker. MAGNA already builds/bul;t the Fisker so they are already all tooled up and can almost just fire up the assembly line again.

    MAGNA produces a number of other vehicles including the Jaguar E-and I Pace .
    anyway just suprised to see a Fisker here in the Midwest
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  3. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Based on the MAGA rhetoric I've heard denegrating EVs, I don't think MAGA and Fisker would be a good fit.

    Edit: Oh! later in your post, you write "MAGNA," the company who makes the Ocean for Fisker. I got confused.
    OneEV likes this.
  4. OneEV

    OneEV Active Member Subscriber

    Funny I actually did write MAGA before I realized and changed it.. yeah Maga and anything EV , probabbly not a good fit ;)

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