What is Senator Markey's problem?

Discussion in 'General' started by 101101, Nov 20, 2019.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    What is Senator Markey's problem?

    He was apparently spewing debunked stuff about the nag function and people falling asleep at the wheel in Teslas with Autopilot on. The guy who explained this was utter BS got banned for doing so on Tesla. This reminds me of the Mississippi burning / Tesla burning campaign

    My guess is this is more bribery at work under the cover of Markey's involvement in the Green New Deal. Some group be it what remains of labor- tragically caught up with fossil fuels which screw over working people like nothing else and big insurance which jacks up the rates on every kind of insurance and crimps the payout because the money in the middle goes into unnecessary insurance pools where endless fossil fuel loses are socialized. Fossil fuels are part of the idiot rent seeker thinking of today's parasitic rich. They think they will tie a consumable to a tangible and that will be a good basis for rent seeking but it is a horrid basis. Is this GM and Toyota paying the whine money because they are behind or can't afford what Waymo will charge or do?

    Mr. Markey seems like someone complaining that airbags should be banned because they give people black eyes. Its bothersome in because because he is complaining to the NHTSA which along with the Trump corrupted EPA has been insanely trying to go after car companies that take emissions seriously. It would be like whining to the Trump corrupted FCC. Is this one of those cases where if Tesla just handed some change over he would change his Tune? Someone should look at his donor list and see who is purchasing this rhetoric and posturing. These damn prostitute politicians should have to recite their entire donor list like some sort of drug warning label before and after every public appearance and speech- the should have to mail it to all their constituents before an election.

    How does someone have the vision to support and push the GND and then get this so incredibly wrong? If you look his donor list you see he took money from Blackstone mother of Blackrock and you see he took money from WilmerHale which represents Siemens AG whose CEO recently made bitter remarks against Tesla and also Pepsico which is just a fossil fuel seller of dirty toxic plastic and Monsanto corn both fossil fuels in essence.

    This technology is coming, why hobble American firms trying to pursue it? Its like being against seat belts and airbags- GM's specialty.
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  3. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    I realized what it was. You see the corrupt DNC is full of politicians that took money from the fossil fuel industry and the insurance industry which socializes its losses. So this is penance- a GND original co-signer has to push to doe something incredibly stupid and corrupt against green and this is it. But taking money himself from Blackstone et. al. couldn't have helped. My personal opinion is that politicians that take money should be doing life in prison. It doesn't matter who they sell "we the people" out to, it could be a foreign government or Monsanto its the same kind of damage that works toward turning most people into property and turning the law into crime. I am waiting for the day when we can prosecute politicians for any oppressive action they take. Raise taxes on the middle class and poor and drop it for the wealthy: go to jail. Even attempting to screw the public over should be a complete forfeiture of personal wealth and liberty and there shouldn't be a statute of limitations on this.
  4. gooki

    gooki Well-Known Member

  5. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    What if people called every senator and congressman's offices and proposed a new law:

    Any person knowingly giving money to a united states politician and any politician knowingly taking such money and any person involved with such transactions (where that money is not part of the state provided uninform stipend for living expenses not more than 5x the average American's income) where that money is taken for the purpose of political influence regardless of whether is given before, during or after the politician's term, such parties will be subject to:

    No statue of limitations, no possibility of probation, parole, pardon, no executive exemptions or delays not national security exception or delays but a minimum sentence of total immediate asset forfeiture and dissolution of all business arrangements and forfeiture of future potential assets and life in solitary confinement without access to outside contacts. Governmental rank and title will be stripped retroactively from the records and past government monies paid will be confiscated and where those aren't available confiscatory retroactive debt will be issued. Any one engaging in this behavior will be sought aggressively for extradition for the remainder of their lives. Bail will be restricted. Even the appearance of having taken money should be treated as a crime with strict liability and immediate suspension from office.

    Any supreme court justice that attempts to introduce language to the effect that money is speech shall be subject to the same. It is made clear that public office holders are held to a higher standard, and they are not 'law makers' only representatives at best.

    This money is speech crap is about making people into property. Its time American was based on something besides lies and bribery. Consider. We can't logically own own other people. But we have the idiot notion (because we were fooled) that organizations made of people can be owned. We have the idiot notion that while we claim free association and affirm people can't be owned that the associations of the people in those organizations can be owned because we were fooled into claiming that organizations made of people can be owned. We go even further with this blatant idiocy when we all allowed the former people who claimed to own people (slave holders) to claim that these organizations had personhood or were out of pure idiot language, 'corporate persons' and could be owned. So while we rightly say slavery (a crime worse than murder) is illegal we say it is legal to own people indirectly.

    This would send a message of sell us out for money or profit and be subject to becoming an example by erasure. Take actions that harm hundreds of millions of people or harm humanity for private gain and have the response scaled up accordingly. If you attempt to forfeit our present and our future expect the same in return.
  6. interestedinEV

    interestedinEV Well-Known Member

    In the US there are about 520,000 elected officials and there may be several more politicians to nominated or un-elected positions.

    So even if only 80% of them take some money from special interests whether in form of campaign contributions or pay offs etc. we are going to be having about 400,000 people jail already and about 400,000 more people every year (the new crop to replace the ones in jail) Then we are going to have a very long line waiting to go into prison.

    While I applaud your sentiment, unfortunately in a democracy we have trade offs. Elections cost money to win. The other option is un-elected people to govern, which raises a new set of problems or only the rich are allowed to contest elections, which is not representative by design. Question is how can we make it fairer and one way would be to limit the amount of contributions and total spend in an election, not eliminate contributions.


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  8. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    No elections don't cost money to win- that is beyond wrong! We used to have the fairness doctrine which recognized that the airwaves and communications channels permanently belong to the public and any media company keeping its charter was conditions on it carrying elections as a cost of keeping that charter (they need to be barred from taking political ad money as well) and on keeping a fire wall between the editorial section and the rest. If they violated this they lost their charter. We also had the free speech doctrine which said that commercial speech is last in line (least important) in order to protect life and death political speech. What we have now is a sponsor captured bribery based media where everything is pre-censored by sponsors- so is a system based on lies, bribery and intentionally misleading the public about the public interest and if allowed to say in place will lead to bloody revolution and civil war that just may be terminal. Its set for collapse because it is an intolerable people as property slavery model.

    No no has the right to sell your attention, or sell your time, or sell the ability to interrupt you, or sell your opportunity or sell your privacy. All of that idiocy is allowed and expected and rewarded under this system. The solutions are not that difficult. We don't allow sponsored media anymore (sponsorship is bribery- it is not about selling items) we don' t allow sponsored search either. Fair open search obviates the need for push ads, search engine placement is so trivial it is not worth considering as a concern except to say it can't be for sale. You can't buy people's attention with speech and enclosure systems because that inevitably makes them into property. We can do subscription based systems we can do libraries.

    What do we tell Face Book and its investors. I'd tell them you were stupid, really stupid and your investments were criminal and psychopathic and what you really deserved was prison but you're getting off easy by just absorbing your deserved losses- we need more of a strict liability model on investment- invest in evil and lose more than the investment- real skin in the game- abuse the power in money and go to prison. People have to be told that the bottom line is not greed and self-promotion, the worst kind of rent seeking is rent seeking on speech and attention through enclosure scams and sunk cost scams because these lead to people becoming property and they utterly corrupt inherently tenuous political representation systems. Facebook would also be told people's data is now portable or your executives spend the rest of their lives in prison- so damn obvious also told that all features are now opted out of and have and that everything new is opt in by default. And every business person needs to be told society is the point of society not business. It business for the sake of society and never the other way around and if you're making money off of making people worse off you need to be in prison for an extended term and the same if you discover you've veered into a theft basis and aren't spending what it takes to fix it. If someone is getting money beyond safety the necessary safety net and that money isn't based on contribution that is crime.

    We need to be working toward a system where no one is doing anything for money they otherwise wouldn't because anything less is less honorable than prostitution. We need to recognize neo-liberal economics as criminal ideation and our society needs to reject that garbage as hard as we've ever rejected anything no more supply side bs- every one of its premises is wrong it is a glorification of criminality.

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