Not charging hogging up chargers

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by mikeg0305, Feb 1, 2023.

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  1. CuriousGeorge

    CuriousGeorge Well-Known Member

    Jewish space lasers. They exist for a reason.
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  3. pictsidhe

    pictsidhe Well-Known Member

    That's the way to do it!
  4. pictsidhe

    pictsidhe Well-Known Member

    Oh! So this is why Teslas catch fire!
  5. There have been several charging stations added to the campus where I work. The nearest station by my building is always occupied by a pair of student vehicles that I have never seen plugged in - a Chevy Volt and a Toyota - I can see the station from my office. Both of the vehicles are hybrids and can function with out a charge as opposed to my SE that is out of luck with no charge. I end up plugging in on the other side of the campus - no big issue when the weather is nice but is aggravating when wind is blowing hard and the temp is in the negative range.
  6. Assclowns ;) - love it
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  8. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    I'm mostly for eliminating the Rockstar Parking location for electric vehicles. Just put the spots far out but make the stalls double wide!
  9. SameGuy

    SameGuy Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Most of the places around here that offer ChargePoint AC stations have them fairly far from the entrances, either in the middle of a lot with shops on multiple sides, or off near an end of the building if a single retailer. Electric Circuit stations are a mix, depending on the host commerce.
  10. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    It's kind of funny because of multiple free 50kW charging locations (4 sites in a 20 mile radius and a couple of free 25kW DCFC ones), the Level 2 sites are generally available.
  11. pictsidhe

    pictsidhe Well-Known Member

    Suggest to management that they move the chargers away from the student spots to where EVs can use them?
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  13. pictsidhe

    pictsidhe Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's pointless putting EV chargers in Very Important Prick slots.
    teslarati97 likes this.
  14. AndysComputer

    AndysComputer Well-Known Member

    I’d prefer any chargers are not near the door so they don’t get ICEd. also because people are frankly even more likely to do so if they think EVs are getting special treatment when the actual reason they put the chargers close to the buildings as opposed to the other side of the parking lot is the cost of the cable runs.
    teslarati97 likes this.
  15. No designated spots for faculty/staff or students - it's a free for all as far as parking. I'm not advocating special charging stations for faculty/staff vs students. These charging stations are also not in prime parking areas. My point is with few charging stations in this area - people need to be more aware - possibly better signage - time enforcement etc
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2023
    SameGuy likes this.
  16. pictsidhe

    pictsidhe Well-Known Member

    It was sarcasm.
    I like to lay it on thick.

    The point is that they have two chargers that can't be used for charging as there are always non-chargers blocking them.

    Maybe Sameguy could hire out his orbital weapon?
    teslarati97 likes this.
  17. Torrey

    Torrey Active Member

    The reason that chargers are usually close to the building is that it is the cheapest place to install them. Otherwise you have to run conduit all the way across the parking lot.
    teslarati97 likes this.
  18. pictsidhe

    pictsidhe Well-Known Member

    But it's a waste of money if they are unusable as a result.
  19. LittleWoods

    LittleWoods Active Member

    I had this problem at my office, too, until I realized that the reason people were parking in an EV spot and not plugging in to charge was because the station was broken. Oops. It took ChargePoint months before they fixed it, too.

    What bothers me the most right now, though, are the PHEVs with tiny batteries staying plugged in all day. BMW 530e guy with your 20 mile battery, I'm looking at you.
    teslarati97 likes this.
  20. MrSnrub

    MrSnrub Well-Known Member

    They can charge at home on 120v and be fine lol
  21. pictsidhe

    pictsidhe Well-Known Member

    Not if they live 11 miles away.
    It is pretty selfish, though.
  22. SameGuy

    SameGuy Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Yep I offered my flexible fast charger to the retired couple next door with the Lexus h+ and they said they don’t need it because they barely go anywhere, so they just plug into 110 and top up overnight and then they’ve got another 30 km of range more or less. The husband was proud to inform me yesterday that they just refilled their gas tank for the first time since getting it in July!
    teslarati97 likes this.
  23. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    I guess regular gas holds longer than premium gas...I remember when my gas went bad after not driving enough.

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