Hello from Norway

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by Tiffany, Jan 16, 2023.

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  1. Tiffany

    Tiffany New Member

    Hei everyone!

    Waiting excitedly for my new MINI SE to come (not sure if I am eligible to post here since I'm not a "qualified" MINI owner yet) hopefully end of next month.
    In fact also trying to get my drivers license at about the same time :p (fingers crossed for that!)

    So, anyone has any tips on checking the car when picking up (except "try to avoid overthrilled" maybe?)
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  3. MichaelC

    MichaelC Well-Known Member

    Welcome! You are absolutely eligible to post here!

    Start with the MINI Delivery Checklist? thread for a (brief) discussion of items to check.
    Tiffany likes this.
  4. revorg

    revorg Well-Known Member

    And, please, don't worry about being "overthrilled" Nothing wrong with that!
  5. Jkoya

    Jkoya Member

    Welcome and Congratulations !!! This is a YouTube on the Mini Rules of the Road from Mini USA. Let us now if Norway has something similar..

    Tiffany likes this.
  6. Tiffany

    Tiffany New Member

    Thank you so much!!!

    Noticed the grille shutter thing people are talking about. I had no idea! Now I have put it on my checklist to make sure I give it a push when I see my new cutie.

    GvilleGuy and MichaelC like this.
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  8. Tiffany

    Tiffany New Member

    haha u r right, I know!! but I just want to stay sober
    and remember the business of checking the car properly - though sounds like mission impossible? :p
  9. Tiffany

    Tiffany New Member

    Hei again! Thanks for your friendly response here also!

    Heard about the rules elsewhere but not sure in Norway, let me experience and feed back! :)
    Already doing several of the rules now without receiving my mini, such as "give a name to your mini" and "admire your mini". What is your mini called? I am literally admiring every single mini I see on the street. People gonna think I'm plotting to steal their cars. :p
    Jkoya likes this.
  10. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Your first car will be a great one! I'd hate to be your second car trying to live up to the legacy of your SE.
    Texas22Step, Qisl and Tiffany like this.
  11. Jkoya

    Jkoya Member

    We named our Mini SE "Pippa". What are you going to name your Mini ??

    I admire all the Minis I see too. There is a Black Convertible down the street from me and he has red Batman logos on his door. It's a Mini version of the Batmobile and it always admire it when I drive by !
    Tiffany likes this.
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  13. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    Tiffany and Jkoya like this.
  14. Tiffany

    Tiffany New Member

    LOL being shortsighted as I am, I haven’t thought about my 2nd car yet while waiting excitedly for my first to come :D
    But thx for the reminder, perhaps I should begin to consider the color for my 2nd mini now…
  15. Tiffany

    Tiffany New Member

    Pardon my English skills, does Pippa mean sth special or?

    a Batman styled convertible mini! Wow I start to admire that by picturing it based on your descriptions.

    For mine, over the long list of candidates, the ones currently in front of the line are “Melody” or “Matilda”. Perhaps go for Melody since it sounds a bit more cheerful?

    SameGuy likes this.
  16. Tiffany

    Tiffany New Member

  17. Jkoya

    Jkoya Member

    It's a nickname for Philippa I believe. No special meaning though, just thought the name fit the SE..
    Tiffany likes this.
  18. Tiffany

    Tiffany New Member

    Hello again !!!
    Typing with excitment now that after a solid 5-month waiting, I am finally gonna pick up my Chilli Red Mini SE tmr! LOL!

    I have went though the link about delivery checklist above, so is that all? I remember my friend went to pick up his Tesla with several pages of checklist...

    I'm also wondering that, here in Norway I have no info about when the car was produced, etc. Nothing at all. Is there a way to check it?
    SameGuy and MichaelC like this.
  19. SameGuy

    SameGuy Well-Known Member Subscriber

    If you (should) have the car’s VIN, enter it on mdecoder.com to get the full build information. It normally shows the build date. Good luck, and don’t forget to have your Delivery Genius take pics of you with the car!!
    MichaelC likes this.
  20. MichaelC

    MichaelC Well-Known Member


    As far as I know, yes. I don't remember seeing recent posts showing any new/different items to look for.

    As far as I know, all F56 SEs are built in plant Oxford, in the UK. You can use a VIN decoder like this one to check the details for your car: https://www.faxvin.com/vin-decoder/mini
    insightman and SameGuy like this.
  21. Tommm

    Tommm Well-Known Member

    Batman is king of cool. Is Bandit a close second?
    Jkoya likes this.
  22. Tiffany

    Tiffany New Member

    Thanks for your reply!!! Going to my dear in 30min !!!!!
    MichaelC likes this.
  23. Tiffany

    Tiffany New Member

    Thanks for your reply!!! I tried the website you mentioned, but it couldn't find my car. strange. Isnt that supposed to be built in Oxford?
    On the SameGuy shared I found it and it said it was product January. Took 4 solid months from UK to Norway, very far! haha
    MichaelC likes this.

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