Dodge Charger EV bogus "exhaust" noise

Discussion in 'General' started by Hatch, Aug 20, 2022.

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  1. Hatch

    Hatch Active Member

    Because it's stupid. I'm sorry, it just is. It hurts my sensibilities as a car guy. If Toyota put a sound system on their Corollas that pumped out authentic sounding Lamborghini revving, i would have a problem with that too. I'm sure there would be some people having a problem with <me having a problem> about that too.

    Noise that builds with acceleration or engine/motor rpm - artificial or not - ICE or EV - is a rightfully debatable topic. Some love, some hate, certain types of those noises. But we're talking about the car making the noise - which builds or wanes with power, acceleration, whatever. It's part of the mechanical operation of the car.

    But fake revving is totally dumb and has nothing to do with the car or what it's doing. It's anti-car. It's an insult to cars. I can't believe i even have to explain it.
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  3. tbacba

    tbacba New Member

    I guess I prefer the carrot vs the stick approach. If you can persuade a customer with a little (agree it's not necessary) fake engine noise rather than forcing them into a vehicle they don't like, then I'm all for it. Remember we're all unique... just like everyone else.
  4. Hatch

    Hatch Active Member

    And let's take Tesla - external farts and other crazy stuff like that. That's TOTALLY stupid. But it's just funny. I love it if you love it. How about a horn on a Civic playing La Cucaracca? It's SO dumb - but if you like it and it's your car, more power to you.

    Fake revving on the other hand, defiles the car. If i were the car, you would be hurting me.
  5. JohnnyB

    JohnnyB New Member

    As always, Dodge makes one of the best looking vehicles on the road, only problem is it's a Dodge. People need value and quality built into these very expensive vehicles, not false bravado!
    Hatch likes this.
  6. Tim Miser

    Tim Miser New Member

    Awe you're too old!! ;) I'm the guy who cloths-pinned a playing card into my spokes on my bicycle and rode around the neighborhood knowing how cool I was. Chicks dig it! Other kids copied me by doing the same thing. You were that guy on his porch shaking your fist at me when I rode by cuz I was making too much noise.
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  8. 3XG

    3XG New Member

    Well, you do because I and many others (the market to buy this car) don't get the hard line on this topic. Makes no sense to keep people from switching to an EV because of this artificial sound issue. You need to have a sound anyway, by law, why not just let them have some fun with it. You admit you understand the Tesla fart noise silliness. Why not a little artificial revving added in if it's for the greater good and it fools a couple of people into thinking they haven't compromised so much vs. an old school muscle car (which they really haven't (compromised))?

    Consider this a chance to accept that people are different. I've found that life is a bunch more peaceful if you come to peace with that... and just let them be different. Go ahead... every once in a while, let the dern kids play on the front lawn.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2022
  9. Hatch

    Hatch Active Member

    Ok - i'll try to explain one more time, then i'll just have to give up. Unless i'm mistaken, this is not just an artificial sound. It's FAKE.

    Back in the day, we were modifying our bikes so that THEY made a new sound. The spokes contacted some playing cards as the wheels turned and then voila the BIKE was making a new sound!. This is the very definition of a car guy - making a mod on your vehicle!

    Fast forward to the car culture.. muscle cars and gear heads. Headers, glass pack mufflers, flipping the air cleaner cover upside-down to make the intake louder. Making a mod so that the CAR sounded different. THAT is the essence of the car culture!

    If Dodge added a clutch or some other means of disconnecting the drivetrain, and this noise really is coming from the motor (or software if your prefer - doesn't matter), then you could blip the throttle and "rev" the car. That would be a car guy mod. If this is what is happening, i will apologize and admit i'm totally wrong.

    Otherwise, this is just like strapping a boom box under the bumper that plays motor-like noise totally dis-associated from the car. And you are controlling the volume knob. And it's not like The Tesla fart or the Civic LaCucracca - that's just noise not supposed to be created by the mechanical operation of the car.

    This is a motor, or power noise. Being made by a muscle car. If it really has nothing to do with the car in any way - except something in the car is playing a recording of a sound - then this is an atrocity. Created by some posers in marketing that claim to be car guys.

    If i'm correct about the source of this noise, those people do NOT get to proudly say they represent the car culture and gear heads. They are the very antithesis of that world. And when this crime against the car culture is perpetrated, another component of the destruction of our beloved society will be in place. Gear heads around the world will all die inside a little more.

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