The Great Circle of T-Boning is Complete

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by Douglas Firs, Jan 27, 2022.

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  1. The irony is too good: three years ago my partner was t-boned by a drunk driver, which totaled our trusty 2000 Toyota Echo and led us to purchase our 2019 Clarity.

    Just yesterday I was t-boned in the Clarity, although much less spectacularly. I hope this means we've met out lifetime t-bone quota, but who knows, the universe can be a B.


    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
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  3. Robert_Alabama

    Robert_Alabama Well-Known Member

    I hear you. We've had 4 T-bone (2 different Chevrolet Volts, and 2 different sedans - not the Clarity) accidents in the past 8 years (none our fault, just red-light runs or stop sign runs by the other drivers). 1 totaled a car, the other 3 had approximately 30k total damage to our cars. Hopefully we're done with the cycle as well. None of the other drivers were drunk, just not paying attention. Luckily no injuries, but painful keeping cars in the shop or shopping for another car as a result of this. Both Volts were nearly new and between the two, 9 months of warranty went by while they were in the repair process.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2022
  4. Wow that is crazy. Glad to hear no one was hurt. My partner suffered a pretty bad concussion that took him a year to recover from. I walked away a little banged up but fine…the person was going pretty slow when they blew through the light.

    Here’s to our t-bone fortune turning around

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
    Domenick and Robert_Alabama like this.

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