Perhaps GM did lead the EV revolution

Discussion in 'General' started by bwilson4web, Nov 24, 2021.

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  1. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber

    As shown in “Who Killed the Electric Car,” GM made the EV1 and crushed them. The founders of Tesla used that to form the company.

    Bob Wilson
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  3. DisgruntledSanta

    DisgruntledSanta Active Member

    Also, Tesla may have gotten EVs into the mainstream media, but I think the Bolt really made EVs a reality for a lot of every-day people. Teslas are just stupid expensive until the M3 came out. Though… bolts have certainly been in the media as well, for more dubious reasons.

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
  4. Richardd962

    Richardd962 New Member

    I totally disagree, GM with the EV1 realized the dangers of EV’s to it’s business model, up to this day their effort have been to fulfill the mandate with the minimum effort. The bolt is a joke, try to go on a road trip, you will lose so much time charging, also there is no towing capacity, and the only reason for it’s range is the model 3, and the 250 miles minimum range it imposed.

    If you try to use the bolt as the primary car, it has so many limitations it was made to discredit EV, but tanks to Tesla we know that an EV can be a primary car.

    We hare now just starting to see real competition to Tesla, from Audi BMW Mercedes and soon real competition from Hyundai and Kia.

    Sent from my iPad using Inside EVs
  5. SouthernDude

    SouthernDude Active Member

    This is ridiculous. EVs do not represent a threat to GM's business model. Or any other car manufacturer for that matter. I don't know why anyone believes this nonsense. It just takes time to switch everything over.
    DisgruntledSanta likes this.

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