Does anyone regularly charge their kona at a tesla destination?

Discussion in 'Hyundai Kona Electric' started by Liz, Jul 14, 2022.

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  1. Liz

    Liz New Member

    I recently went to tesla in euroa victoria and whilst the plug looks very similar a small ridge of plastic prevented me plugging in. I am considering buying an adaptor to assist me but am confused about both where to buy one and whether it will work. Some info indicates that even if I can plug in the system may prevent me from charging anyway.
    Does anyone have experience with this? I am finding that the charging stations are not as available as they should be and more ev's are on the road
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  3. Australia or is this elsewhere? There's been no word that Tesla are opening their charging infrastructure down under just yet. The plug should fit but it won't charge. Can you post a photo?
  4. I've happily used several tesla destination chargers in France and Spain, no problem. At one I had to fiddle around closing the doors locking the car and reconnecting. But the owner said this was common. That said at others I've just plugged in.

    The tesla app has a button marked "charge non tesla vehicles". This app then shows the superchargers you can use. I haven't tried one yet, there's been enough other chargers so haven't seen any need.
  5. Liz - KiwiME has got it right. The Tesla rollout hasn't reached our shores yet.

    Can I make as plea to everyone? Please nail your colours to the mast. For us to help you, we very often need to know the jurisdiction and the model and the year. Take a look at KiwiME's masthead - we know he's in NZ with a 4yo car - much more helpful.

    Most on this forum will think Victoria in a Canadian sense i.e. the city on Vancouver Island.

    Andy - where are you? Spain, France? Timbuktu?
    KiwiME likes this.
  6. Hi can you tell me how to fill the masthead, have been unable to find it in the members section of my site, thank Jim Australia
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  8. Try here, under your account name, click on Personal Details as per the arrow below. Then put the text you desire under "Location".

    OzKona likes this.
  9. I have used Tesla destination chargers (ie, L2 chargers) at three hotels and two wineries here in Aus. But I have also found some Tesla destination chargers that refuse to charge my Kona. I understand it's a setting that the property owner can choose to have the installer activate (or not), but am open to correction on that.

    I have not tried any Tesla fast chargers - I have assumed they would not work.

    FWIW the Chargefox fast chargers at Euroa (Victoria, Austrralia) worked fine for me - I got 72kw out of them, twice.
  10. I live close to Oxford, uk

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